How can I add inventory report in the Shopify Flow but it's triggered by "order" not "product"

How can I add inventory report in the Shopify Flow but it's triggered by "order" not "product"

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Here is what I have created. It now can report every sale in the Slack channel. But I also want it reports the variant's inventory number in the same report message.

for example, the original report message is:
, Tom Hanks ,32.2美金,United States,
( PP3 ) T-shirts Tom,
Link to order:


What I want to achieve:

#155555, Tom Hanks ,32.2美金,United States,
( PP3 ) T-shirts Tom, this item now has XXX units left.
Link to order:


Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 10.33.16 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 10.40.18 AM.png


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