How can I correctly extract metafields values in JSON code?


How can I correctly extract metafields values in JSON code?

47 0 6

How to update this part of the code to extract metafields values correctly? Or what to paste to the edit query instead?


"query": {
"objectType": "product",
"id": "",
"metafields": [
"namespace": "my_fields",
"key": "style1"
"namespace": "my_fields",
"key": "year"
"namespace": "my_fields",
"key": "season1"
"namespace": "my_fields",
"key": "special"
"namespace": "my_fields",
"key": "waist"
"namespace": "my_fields",
"key": "closure"




Screenshot 2023-07-20 182115.png

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Staff
1555 170 358

This is an accepted solution.


This gets the metafield by namespace/key and outputs the value. "first" is needed because "where" returns a list.

{%- assign mf_object = product.metafields | where: "namespace", "my_fields" | where: "key", "pattern" | first -%} 
{{ mf_object.value }}


Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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View solution in original post

Replies 12 (12)

Shopify Staff
1555 170 358

Look at the example queries and the search syntax. You don't need to build the whole query ... just the query string

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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Shopify Staff
1555 170 358

To add... Shopify's product query does not allow searching by metafields yet.


What are you trying to do in your workflow?

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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47 0 6

Pass data from metafields to Open AI for text generation.

47 0 6

Yes, but hot to take a date from Metafields? I don't need all of them.

Shopify Staff
1555 170 358

You might not need a query for this. When should the workflow run? Once you have a product in the workflow, you can access all of it's metafields in liquid directly in the OpenAI action

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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See for some code

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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47 0 6

I know, but how to filter them out? Because they look like this: 

Screenshot 2023-07-20 201738.png

Shopify Staff
1555 170 358

I'm not sure where / how you want to filter them out. If you mean access a single value in liquid, my preferred approach is like this:

{%- assign mf_object = product.metafields | where: "namespace", "custom" | where: "key", "color" | first -%} 

 If you mean in a condition, here's example example for order metafields:

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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47 0 6

Things are more complex in my case. I am already checking if the required values are in the product: 

Screenshot 2023-07-20 214147.png


Then I need to pass exact metafields variables to the Ai prompt here, not just one specific value, to generate a product description based on different parameters Metafield1, Metafield2, Metafield3, and so on:

Screenshot 2023-07-20 214242.png


Each metafield can have many variations, not just one:

Screenshot 2023-07-20 214618.png





Shopify Staff
1555 170 358

I'm not sure what you mean by "variables". I think, b/c of that screenshot, you want all of the possible values for the metafield in that Open AI prompt?  That isn't a metafield value, but I think a metafield definition. I think the choices are stored in validations. You might need to use GraphiQL or a GraphQL client to find the right key name to use for that. Also, you may run into an API limit as query metafields this way is very costly. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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47 0 6

Variables are metafields: like the one I show on the print screen, how do I add "product.metafields.my_fields.pattern" to the place Metafield1, as I show on the print screen? 


What exact piece of code do I have to add to that place?

Shopify Staff
1555 170 358

This is an accepted solution.


This gets the metafield by namespace/key and outputs the value. "first" is needed because "where" returns a list.

{%- assign mf_object = product.metafields | where: "namespace", "my_fields" | where: "key", "pattern" | first -%} 
{{ mf_object.value }}


Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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