How can I filter Get Order Data Action by vendor in the new Time-Scheduled Trigger?

How can I filter Get Order Data Action by vendor in the new Time-Scheduled Trigger?

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With the new Time-Scheduled Trigger and Get Order Data Action, I wondered if there was a way to filter the Get Order Data by other variables such as Vendor so that of the 100 results returned, more of them are focused on the data I need.


I've tried the below but this doesn't work.



created_at:<='{{ scheduledAt }}' AND created_at:>'{{ scheduledAt | date_minus: "1 week" }}' AND lineitems.vendor contains "TESTVENDORNAME"



Any ideas?

Reply 1 (1)

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I should mention that I know I could have a condition after the Get Order Data step but the problem with this is that it will have still grabbed all Vendors within the 100 line limit and so the filter condition after this will only look within these 100 lines and return far less results than desired which is less than ideal. 


So the idea is to have the filter within the Get Order Data action.