How can I post multiple product orders to Picqer using Flow?

How can I post multiple product orders to Picqer using Flow?

2 0 0

We're trying to post orders to picqer through Flow but this json format only sends orders with only one product, if it has anything more than two products in the order, the order won't get posted to picqer(http request). What do we have to change?

"idcustomer": null,
"deliveryname": "{{order.customer.displayName}}",
"deliveryaddress": "{{order.shippingAddress.address1}}, {{order.shippingAddress.address2}}",
"deliveryzipcode": "{{}}",
"deliverycity": "{{}}",
"deliverycountry": "{{order.shippingAddress.countryCodeV2}}",
"invoicename": "{{}}",
"invoiceaddress": "{{order.billingAddress.address1}}, {{order.billingAddress.address2}}",
"invoicezipcode": "{{}}",
"invoicecity": "{{}}",
"invoicecountry": "{{order.billingAddress.countryCodeV2}}",
"products": [
{% for lineItems_item in order.lineItems %}
"productcode": "{{lineItems_item.variant.sku}}",
"amount": {{lineItems_item.quantity}}
{% endfor %}

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
177 14 14

Hi @tison3iai 


yes we can send multiple products in order 


you can check here : 
