Re: How to access the value of a field key inside a metaobject on a product in an order?

How to access the value of a field key inside a metaobject on a product in an order?

Shopify Partner
9 0 2

Okay, I've been trying and logging but can't get the syntax right for this: 


I'm trying to access the value of a field inside a metaobject I've attached to products. It is a boolean value.


Namespace: product_preorder






Here's my flow code with a trigger of new order:


How do I access the value of the "enabled" key on the "product_preorder" metaobject inside products inside an order? 

Freelance Shopify Developer & Ecommerce Operator
Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
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If it's a list, the references are on "<resource>.metafields.references.fields"


If it's a single value, use "reference" instead


Shopify Staff
1501 161 350

To clarify, you would check the namespace and key as you are doing already. Then you would need to check the field name under "metafields / reference / fields / name == enabled".


I'll add - keep going with this, but we are working on improvements to make this way better. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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Shopify Partner
9 0 2

Thanks @paul_n ! 


I didn't see any "fields" under "metafields_item / reference"?  I tried to go into the "product" and explored several levels in there but didn't see anything where I can access the field's name.





I would be great if improvements could be done on this so its easier to use! 


Honestly I just might remove the "enabled" field off the schema in this metaobject because it seems redundant - I think if the metaobject exists on a product, then it is enabled. I might be making this too complex.

Freelance Shopify Developer & Ecommerce Operator
Shopify Staff
1501 161 350

Sorry, if it's a metaobject, then select Metaobject first. I think fields is there.

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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