How to correctly set up a newsletter sign up email?

How to correctly set up a newsletter sign up email?

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I have added a newsletter sign up email. want to make sure I have the If/then set up correctly. 


Check if, conditions (if all criteria are met), If (equal to) (online store)

than - arrow - do this 

Do this, send marketing email. 


My goal is to send a marketing email to new customers who signed up to newsletter. 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1592 174 367

There is not enough detail in this question to know if it's set up correctly. As a general rule, I suggest testing your workflow end to end to make sure it works. You can add a condition to check for something like a "test" tag on a customer to make sure it doesn't run for production customers.

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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