Re: Exclude unpaid lineitems

How to prevent unpaid items from being fulfilled in Flow app?

17 0 4


In the Flow app I have the following Workflow that pulls orders' data from Shopify to a Google Sheet.

I use a post-purchase app and sometimes an item is added to the order but is not paid.

The flow still sends the lineitem's data to the sheet and this causes to sometimes fulfill items that haven't been paid for.

Any solution? Like a quantity parameter that only shows paid and therefore fulfillable items?



{{order.createdAt}},{{}},{{lineItemsForeachitem.sku}}, {{lineItemsForeachitem.quantity}},{{lineItemsForeachitem.unfulfilledQuantity}},{{ | replace: ",", " " }},{{order.shippingAddress.address1 | replace: ",", " " }},{{order.shippingAddress.address2 | replace: ",", " " }},{{ | replace: ",", " " }},{{order.shippingAddress.province | replace: ",", " " }},{{ | replace: ",", " " }},{{order.shippingAddress.countryCodeV2}},{{}},{{}}




Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
19 1 9



I think you could add a condition to check if the lineitem.nonFulfillableQuantity == lineitem.quantity. 



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Shopify Staff
1314 148 300

I'm not aware of any field that tells you if a line item has been paid for or not. You could check to see if order / lineItems / nonFulfillableQuantity returns true in that scenario. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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