Java script to cancel bulk orders

Java script to cancel bulk orders

Shopify Partner
100 3 15

Can any help me with Shopify flow app as I want to cancel bulk orders. 
If anyone guide me it would be helpful

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
25 6 9

Hi There,

Would you please provide some more information on what you'd like to achieve with Shopify Flow? Are you looking to cancel many orders, cancel orders that have high quantities of products, use a specific Admin API mutation, or something else? Any additional information helps - thanks!

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Shopify Partner
100 3 15

Hi @ryan_i I want to cancel many orders, is there any way to put multiple order numbers and process for cancellation or something like we can link with google sheet and process cancellation ?

Shopify Staff
25 6 9

Hi There,

You could potentially use the Get order data task along with the supported fields that can be used in a query. This will get you a list of orders that can be iterated over calling the cancel order action. There are details here about how to use "Get X data" tasks and looping. Note that a condition can be added before the cancel order action if there are more checks to do before cancelling the order.




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Shopify Partner
100 3 15

@ryan_i Thanks for details, can you please help to write query string where we can add multiple order number or link google sheet for cancellation