My workflow triggers but no action is taken. Why?

My workflow triggers but no action is taken. Why?

1 0 1

I am having trouble with a workflow I've set up for a form / email I've created. It doesn't seem to be working properly. It says it 'succeeded' by doesn't take the action I want it to. I've checked the tags and workflow a few times and I'm not sure what I've done wrong.


I created a custom workflow and am trying to send a specific email to customers who have filled out a specific form on my website. 


Is anyone able to help?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
22 5 8

Hi There,

Would you please provide some more details? What are the actions that you are expecting to be executed? On the workflow run page, what information is given about how the data in the workflow was evaluated/executed in your custom workflow (docs on monitoring workflows).


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