Re: Product ID error in Shopify Flow with Arigato automation trigger

Product ID error in Shopify Flow with Arigato automation trigger

47 0 6

How to fix this error with the product ID?

Screenshot 2023-07-20 213021.pngScreenshot 2023-07-20 213033.pngScreenshot 2023-07-20 213053.png

Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Staff
1482 160 346

The answer is right there in the error message.


Some more context....Get product data returns a list of products. Update product metafield accepts a single product. Therefore you need to add a "for each" loop after "Get product data"

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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47 0 6

But I filter product data by 1 product ID, which comes from Arigato, but see the error. What should I change here?

Shopify Staff
1482 160 346

Flow doesn't know that your filter is only going to return one thing. It returns a list. Add a For Each step after "Get product data" and in the "for each item" path put your action. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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47 0 6

So what changes do I have to make in that workflow?

Shopify Partner
57 4 42

In the update product metafield was there an issue with the value, missing curly brace?


{{ generateText.text }}

47 0 6

Open AI should have returned that text, or Flow should have passed it. I am trying to understand why this happens. I will keep testing. But it is not the correct workflow with the Product Id issue. The ID issue is here: Arigato to Open Ai Product Description, and I can't even activate it.