Providing Store Credit through Shopify Flow App on Order Paid Trigger

Providing Store Credit through Shopify Flow App on Order Paid Trigger

13 0 11

I've found a perfect usecase for the Shopify Flow App but I don't think it's possible to use it in this way. Can someone prove me wrong?

The idea is to create a Loyalty Programme using the Shopify Flow App and the new Shopify Store Credit functionality. So when an Order is Paid I want to trigger a Flow that calculates the 1% value of the Order value and then add that amount to the Customers Store Credit value.

Sounds like a reasonable usecase and great way to utilize the Shopify Flow App. Is this currently possible?

FYI, I'm not interested in Apps that provide this functionality, I want to know if it's possible using Shopify Flow App and if so, how.

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
117 20 36

Hi MsMinis, this should be possible by using the Order paid trigger, then a Run code action that calculates the credit based on the order value, then a Send Admin API request that updates the storeCreditAccountCredit. However, that mutation may not be available until the 2024/07 API is released so you may have to wait on that or implement as a refund or other endpoint available in the 2024/01 API.

13 0 11

That's great to hear. I've set up the Flow as you've explained currently and it seems to work great beside the endpoint that is not yet available. I assumed because of the name it would have already been available but it's not. Is there an ETA for that version to be released?

Shopify Partner
801 38 145

You could also just use send http request action meanwhile.

New Member
4 0 0

Did you find a solution to this? Does it work with Flow?