Send emails when Store Credit added/deducted?

Send emails when Store Credit added/deducted?

2 0 2

Hey all, we're looking for a solution to use Shopify's built in store credit that has an option to email the customer when Store Credit is added (most importantly) but potentially also when it is spent/deducted from their account. Seemed like this should be something Flow can handle but I can't find any triggers on Customer account *changes*, only *creation*, etc.

Am I missing something, or is there another workaround for this, or is it simply not possible?


Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
104 31 29

Hi @jwwcards,


Flow doesn't yet support generic Customer updated triggers and I'm not seeing the information about a credit balance change in any of the customer webhooks.


Would looking at an order's payment details handle the case where it's being spent? You can find this by looking at the order.transactions list and checking the gateway field. It should be shopify_store_credit in cases where the buyer is using store credit.
You can also use the amountSet.shopMoney.amount field on the same item from the order.transactions list to see how much credit was spent. This can be used in a Condition or Action within Flow.


Hope that helps!

DaveMcV | Flow Development Manager @ Shopify
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2 0 2

Hi DaveMcV, I appreciate the response. I will take a look at the suggestion for spending and see if that can help us at all. It would be nice to have that part at least, but we'd really like to send a "You've got money" message with their change and new balance to our customers when they earn credit so I hope the dev team considers such an update in the future!

Thanks again!

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Hi Dave,

Any updates on a webhook for the Store credit please?

Shopify Partner
37 1 18

I can add/remove tags easily enough to trigger the flow but I can't see a way to add the store credit balance/change/transactions to a shopify email. It's not accessible via liquid? Why?