Re: Send Mail Prepayment Orders a Payment Remeinder with Flow

Send Mail Prepayment Orders a Payment Remeinder with Flow

Shopify Partner
76 5 15

Hello everyone,

Does anyone already have best practices that should or could be implemented with the Shopify Flow App?

Perhaps a page or YouTube channel with tutorials?

I wanted to present the topic in our development team. However, I wanted to show something concrete that can be implemented with Flow to give the team an idea of what Flow can do.

Is it possible, for example, to tag orders that have not yet been paid after X days. E.g. prepayment.

Or can FLOW be used in conjunction with mail or mail templates to send payment reminders for the above-mentioned case after X days?

I find the topic very exciting and we would like to delve deeper into the subject 😉.

Specifically, I would be interested in how I could, for example, select my own payment method "PREPAYMENT" when filtering.

Would something like this be right?





Why does a red message appear here? Is there no "payment reminder template"?

Is it now possible to export/import the flows?

If you also have other must-have flows, it would be great if we could exchange ideas here 😉


I posted this topic in the german community:


Also i find this Topic but no answer:


We want to send the Customer after X Days for Pay in Advanced orders a Remeinder. Unbelievable that this is apparently not possible with Shopify Flow?

Thank you very much.

Kind Regards

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Staff
1564 170 360

Look at the template library in Flow for examples.

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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13 1 2

Hi Freelancegerman, 


we are having the exact same problem...


Right now, we want to send customers a payment reminder after a week if their order is still unpaid.

As we are only shipping after payment this is something very important to us.

For this we were looking for a flow, but cannot find the right way.


Shopify told us to use the Flow from the templates and then set all orders individually to the payment schedule we desire, but that is just unfeasible. 
There must be a way to handle this but we are past our knowledge...


Did you find a way yet? 

If so it would be great if you could share it with us 🙂


Kind wishes


Shopify Staff
1564 170 360

There is a trigger, Payment schedule is due. The template basically looks like:

  • Payment schedule is due
  • Wait 7 days
  • If payment schedule is not paid
    • Send payment reminder


What part are you struggling with? 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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13 1 2

Yes, we know the trigger. But the set date for when the payment scheduele is due cannot be edited for a large amount of orders nor can it be set for all new orders coming in. 

If I want my customers of unpaid orders to receive a reminder a week after the order is created I can only use the flow if I click into each and every order individually and set the payment schedule manually. 


So the triggers seems to be linked to a high amount of manual work which is unfeasible for us. 
We are looking for a way to at least set the payment schedule date to our desired dates without having to manually edit each and every incomnig unpaid order. 

Shopify Staff
1564 170 360

Something is not adding up here. Are you on Plus? If so, you should be able to use Payment Schedules and set a "Net 7 days" or something like that.


Then when that payment is due, you can use Flow to customize when a reminder is sent. 


You shouldn't need to bulk edit anything, unless you are in a situation where you didn't use that feature and need to clean up things, or maybe if you aren't on Plus. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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13 1 2

Hi Paul, 


we are on Shopify Plus but the store I am talking about is not B2B. 

As far to my knowledge there is no payment schedules option for the orders in it - but i would be more than happy to check again or differently. 

Could you help me find the settings for that option or where I can find more info about it? 


The link you sent is only for b2b orders I think.

Shopify Staff
1564 170 360

Yeah sending a payment reminder only works if you use that feature. I'm not sure how you would even send a reminder. If you are using an app to do that payment approach, you may need to work with them.

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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