update cutomer phone number with Flow

update cutomer phone number with Flow

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I use Shopify Forms app and there are three fields in that form: name, phone, email. That form successfully creates new customers and save all three fields, but there is a problem that the form doesn't update the phone number for customers which were already existed. So, for example the customer already created his account (through checkout or through any other) so I have his email in the admin panel but there is no phone number in his contact info. and this specific customer filled out my form and provided his name, phone and email. The form doesn't update the phone in such case.
Support says that maybe they will add such feature in the future, but maybe there is a way to achieve it with Flow?
so what I need is to create such custom Flow which update the phone number of customer after he fulfilled the form.

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Shopify Partner
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Hi Miles_Bell

You can install this app to add phone numbers to customer information and other related information

Haptech: B2B/wholsale 


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