When will Shopify Flow support metaobjects?

When will Shopify Flow support metaobjects?

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When will metaobjects be supported in Shopify Flow?

Replies 17 (17)

Shopify Staff
1374 153 322

How are you looking to use metaobjects with Flow?

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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I use Flow to continuously count the total number of trees planted as a result of items purchased. Currently, the value is stored in a shop metafield (shop.metafields.mission.trees). I want to instead store it in a metaobject so that the client can adjust it if need be.

Shopify Staff
1374 153 322

We don't have an action for this yet, but in the meantime you could use Send HTTP Request to call the Shopify API to Update or Upsert a metaobject:


Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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Not applicable

Just want to chime in and say this action would be very useful for me as well. Instead I'm going to have to build a whole custom app to do something that could be accomplished with a simple trigger/action in shopify flow

Shopify Staff
1374 153 322

Can you elaborate more on what you would want to do with metaobjects in Flow?  

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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13 0 8

@paul_n it would be useful for me in this case:
we are using metaobjects to group related products in a "variant group" so we can display links to products that look like variant selectors on the product page. It would be nice if Flow could handle an automated function where if a product is PLACED in a metaobject list, the product is automatically assigned a product metafield for that group so the shopify admin doesn't have to do two steps. Right now they have to add the product to the metaobject list and then go into each product and add the metaobject to the product (since there is no way to reference a a metaobject if it isn't assigned).

Shopify Staff
74 15 31

We recently released a Metaobject entry created trigger that should make it easier to trigger workflows when new entries are created on a metaobject definition. 

61 0 10

Hi Paul,

I am using metaobjectUpsert  so it creates or updates the meta object


Getting error I have added all required fields on this 







Send Admin API request
Early Access
25 Jul 2024 at 17:50
Mutation input evaluated to invalid JSON. Please ensure the input forms are valid JSON after the Liquid code is run.
metaobjectUpsert evaluated input may be handel I am using incorrectly?

"handle": {
"type": "text",
"handle": "Hoover-freestanding-fridge-freezers"
"metaobject": {
"handle": "Hoover-freestanding-fridge-freezers",
"fields": [
"key": "or_see_more_choices.vendor_category_title",
"value": "Hoover Freestanding Washing Machine"
"capabilities": {
"publishable": {
"status": "ACTIVE"


Shopify Staff
1374 153 322

put that JSON in a JSON validator tool like this https://jsonlint.com/


Trailing commas are not allowed

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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61 0 10

Removed trailing comma

But still same error
Shopify Staff
1374 153 322

You may have more in your mutation than you copied here. I don't think whitespace should matter, but try copying exactly what is in that action now and sharing here using the code sample feature </>. Also share the error message. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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61 0 10

[image: image.png]
61 0 10

Hi Paul


Sorry don't know why the image wasn't attached




Shopify Staff
1374 153 322

I don't know what error your are getting, but I just ran a test with this and it worked:

  "handle": {
    "type": "recipe",
    "handle": "scrambled-eggs"
  "metaobject": {
    "handle": "scrambled-eggs",
    "fields": [
        "key": "ingredients",
        "value": "[\"eggs\",\"milk\"]"

 It's possible your handle is not a valid handle, if it has something like spaces/symbols in it. Or maybe your type isn't correct. Or the key isn't right.

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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Shopify Staff
1374 153 322

FYI, the key seems to only accept "ingredients" and not "recipe.ingredients" so you may need to remove that first part of your key as well. When I have the full key, I get:

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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Use case: I have a ssg frontend and I would like to trigger a build when metaobjects are updated.

10 1 3

+1 for this!