working with metafield variant type dimentions - update comes empty

working with metafield variant type dimentions - update comes empty

1 0 0


I've been working on a workflow to automatically add "dimensions" metafields to a variant every time a new product is created. Unfortunately, the results aren't displaying on the product. We've set it up to include the following JSON: {"value": 100, "unit": "CENTIMETERS"}

However, it always comes back empty.

I believe I might be using the wrong syntax. Could you please help me with this issue?

Thx guys 



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1314 148 299

You are using a product metafield in that screenshot. Don't you want to update a product variant metafield?


Also, while I'm not sure if "CENTIMETERS" is accepted, in my UI I see "cm" for centimeters. 

Paul_N | Flow Product Manager @ Shopify
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