Custom discount / graphql limits

Custom discount / graphql limits

Shopify Partner
10 0 2

I have created a discount app that uses a resource picker to only apply the discount to selected products.


The problem is that when I select more than 4 products I get an error generated from by the Shopify function.


Error parsing selectedProducts: TypeError: cannot read property 'reduce' of undefined

It works fine with any combination of variants and in the admin interface the product list saves with more than 4 products selected so the products are being stored in the metafield there's just a problem when the discount function retrieves them when there's more than 4.


I've tried to get the discount metfields from GRaphicQL but I couldn't work it out.

here's my input query for the discount function.



query Input {
  cart {
    lines {
      merchandise {
        ...on ProductVariant {
    buyerIdentity {
        metafield(namespace: "loyalty-discount", key: "loyalty_tier") {
  discountNode {
    functionConfiguration: metafield(namespace: "$app:loyalty-discount", key: "function-configuration") {
    selectedProducts: metafield(namespace: "$app:loyalty-discount", key: "selected-products") {



Thanks Dan


Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
428 29 112

Hi Dan-Hrpr,


This doesn't seem like you're running into a limit (e.g. instruction count limit or input query limit).


Specifically, the error message "TypeError: cannot read property 'reduce' of undefined" makes me think it's a JS runtime error.


If you console.error the input when your function runs, you might be able to identify the cause. Maybe `selectedProducts`, or one of its properties, is undefined.




Founder, Regios Discounts app (4.9 stars)
- Custom discounts made simple
- "Just about any discount you'll ever need"
- Built by an ex-Google software engineer
Shopify Partner
10 0 2

Hi Tobe,

It is undefined but only when I save more than 4 products in it.

Cheers Dan

Shopify Partner
428 29 112

You might be running into the 10kb metafield size limit, then. I recommend only storing the IDs of products. I don't know if you are storing other information about products in the metafield, but it fills up fast.

Founder, Regios Discounts app (4.9 stars)
- Custom discounts made simple
- "Just about any discount you'll ever need"
- Built by an ex-Google software engineer
Shopify Partner
10 0 2

I did think that but it works in the backend in the product selector.


So if I add 20 products in the product selector and then save the discount then when I edit the discount again the 20 products are still selected.


I will try and save the variant id's only like you suggest.