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How to Dynamically Query Shopify Product Tags Stored in Metafields Using GraphQL?

How to Dynamically Query Shopify Product Tags Stored in Metafields Using GraphQL?

Shopify Partner
6 0 0


Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on Shopify function where I need to dynamically replace a static tag name in a GraphQL query with values stored in metafields. For example, in the code below, I'm checking the product tag statically ("winter-sale") using the hasAnyTag function. However, I want to check this tag dynamically using a metafield value instead.

I am using the Remix template to create a discount function and querying the above code in run.graphql.


query RunInput {
  cart {
    lines {
      merchandise {
        ...on ProductVariant {
            product {
              hasAnyTag(tags: ["winter-sale"]),
  discountNode {
    metafield(namespace: "$app:shopify-discount-new", key: "shopify-configuration-new") {


Here is the code for creating a discount and storing values in a metafield.


const response = await admin.graphql(
          mutation CreateCodeDiscount($discount: DiscountCodeAppInput!) {
            discountCreate: discountCodeAppCreate(codeAppDiscount: $discount) {
              userErrors {
        variables: {
          discount: {
            metafields: [
                namespace: "$app:shopify-discount-new",
                key: "shopify-configuration-new",
                type: "json",
                value: JSON.stringify({
                  quantity: configuration.quantity,
                  percentage: configuration.percentage,
                  tag: configuration.tag



Could someone help me figure out how to replace the static tag ("winter-sale") with a value retrieved from a metafield?

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