Order discount with orderMinimumSubtotal not using cart subtotal when Product discount applied

Order discount with orderMinimumSubtotal not using cart subtotal when Product discount applied

3 0 11

Product discount:

Strategy ALL

50% off 2+ of Product B

Combines with all (Order, Product, Shipping)


Order discount:

Strategy FIRST

20% off orders $100+ or more, 35% off $200+

Combines with (Order, Product)



Product A unit price $49, quantity 2, line total $98
Product B unit price $40, quantity 2, BOGO, line total $20


Observed behavior:

Subtotal for the cart is above $100 ($98 + $20 = $118), so order level function should apply, but it is not. If you add a 3rd of Product A, pushing its line total about $100, then it applies.


Expected behavior:

Product A unit price $49, quantity 2, line total $98
Product B unit price $40, quantity 2, BOGO, line total $20


Order level discount applies 20% off $118 = $94.40 new subtotal.


Note that if we remove the Product function discount, the Order function applies properly on the cart subtotal. It is some interaction with the discount applied on Product B that causes the bug

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