Payment Customization API Issue: 3-page checkout won't allow to proceed to shipping/payment step

Payment Customization API Issue: 3-page checkout won't allow to proceed to shipping/payment step

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81 2 1

I have set up payment customizations for merchants, and noticed that when they use a 3-page checkout, and a hide payment customization is set, it can present a weird bug with certain specific payment methods.


When payment methods like "Ideal", "Sofort" or "PagarMe" are present, and we set up a payment customizations, sometimes the checkout will get stuck (even tough the customization is not hiding all payment methods), and the customer will not be able to go from the information step, to the shipping step. 


I have found that the issue gets corrected with 2 merchants when they switch to the 1-page checkout, but it's not ideal that i have to ask them to change their checkout just for a customization.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
170 43 69

Hi @Prudentt --


Can you provide more specific reproduction steps for the issue?




Nick Wesselman | Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
81 2 1

Hi @Nick_Wesselman , thanks for your reply.


It's hard for me to offer you the specific conditions because the payment methods that generate the issue are not available in my country, so i can't be 100% sure, but the last case reported by a merchant to me was the following:

  1. Have a 3-page checkout with the "Ideal" payment method activated
  2. Create a payment customization to hide other payment method that is not "Ideal"
  3. Test the checkout


If the conditions I listed above don't replicate the issue, you can try making the customization hide all payment methods except for "Ideal".


This should result in a situation like shown in this video sent to me by the merchant, where the user cannot go from the information step to the shipping method step, yet, i have seen it get stuck from the shipping method step to the payment step too. Also, the checkout will not show any warnings like when there are no payment methods available. 


The issue has been fixed with 2 merchants already by switching to a 1-page checkout. Maybe the issue could be related to this issue reported on Sofort and Ideal, or to this one with PagarMe, where it's reported that those payment methods cannot be hidden with payment customizations.


If you need any more information, feel free to send me a message! Thank you.