Discussing Shopify Functions development, deployment, and usage in Shopify apps.
We need assistance regarding an issue we are facing with our Shopify store's shipping update emails.
Previously, we were using the Parcel Panel app, which automatically sent shipping update emails to customers as soon as we fulfilled an order and added the tracking number. However, we have now uninstalled the Parcel Panel app and created a tracking page from our courier aggregator.
Since making this change, the automated shipping update emails that used to be triggered immediately after fulfilling orders are no longer being sent. This is causing inconvenience as we want to ensure that customers receive shipping updates promptly.
I have included the code snippet below that was previously used to trigger the shipping update emails. It is possible that some modifications were made to this code when integrating the Parcel Panel app initially.
I kindly request your assistance in reviewing the scenario and providing guidance on how we can resolve this issue. Our goal is to reinstate the automated shipping update emails to ensure a seamless customer experience.
is the url
Also please suggest me steps I would like to implement myself
{% capture email_title %}Your shipping status has been updated{% endcapture %}
{% capture email_body %}The following items have been updated with new shipping information.{% endcapture %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{{ email_title }}</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/notifications/styles.css">
.button__cell { background: #283788 !important; }
a.button__text { color: #fff !important; }
.button__cell { background: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
a, a:hover, a:active, a:visited { color: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
<table class="body">
<table class="header row">
<td class="header__cell">
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
<td class="shop-name__cell">
{%- if shop.email_logo_url %}
<img src="{{shop.email_logo_url}}" alt="{{ shop.name }}" width="{{ shop.email_logo_width }}">
{%- else %}
<h1 class="shop-name__text">
<a href="{{shop.url}}">{{ shop.name }}</a>
{%- endif %}
<td class="order-number__cell">
<span class="order-number__text">
Order {{ order_name }}
{%- if po_number %}
<td class="po-number__cell">
<span class="po-number__text">
PO number #{{ po_number }}
{%- endif %}
<table class="row content">
<td class="content__cell">
<table class="container">
<h2>{{ email_title }}</h2>
<p>{{ email_body }}</p>
<p>{{ email_emphasis }}</p>
{% if order_status_url %}
<table class="row actions">
<td class="empty-line"> </td>
<td class="actions__cell">
<table class="button main-action-cell">
<td class="button__cell"><a href="{{ order_status_url }}" class="button__text">View your order</a></td>
{% if shop.url %}
<table class="link secondary-action-cell">
<td class="link__cell">or <a href="{{ shop.url }}">Visit our store</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if shop.url %}
<table class="row actions">
<td class="actions__cell">
<table class="button main-action-cell">
<td class="button__cell"><a href="{{ shop.url }}" class="button__text">Visit our store</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if fulfillment.tracking_numbers.size > 0 %}
<p class="disclaimer__subtext" style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #283788;">
{% if fulfillment.tracking_numbers.size == 1 and fulfillment.tracking_company and fulfillment.tracking_url %}
{{ fulfillment.tracking_company }} tracking number: <a href="{{ fulfillment.tracking_url }}">{{ fulfillment.tracking_numbers.first }}</a>
{% elsif fulfillment.tracking_numbers.size == 1 %}
Tracking number: {{ fulfillment.tracking_numbers.first }}
{% else %}
{{ fulfillment.tracking_company }} tracking numbers:<br />
{% for tracking_number in fulfillment.tracking_numbers %}
{% if fulfillment.tracking_urls[forloop.index0] %}
<a href="{{ fulfillment.tracking_urls[forloop.index0] }}">
{{ tracking_number }}
{% else %}
{{ tracking_number }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<table class="row section">
<td class="section__cell">
<table class="container">
<h3>Items in this shipment</h3>
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
{% for line in fulfillment.fulfillment_line_items %}
<tr class="order-list__item">
<td class="order-list__item__cell">
{% if line.line_item.image %}
<img src="{{ line.line_item | img_url: 'compact_cropped' }}" align="left" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>
{% endif %}
<td class="order-list__product-description-cell">
{% if line.line_item.product.title %}
{% assign line_title = line.line_item.product.title %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_title = line.line_item.title %}
{% endif %}
{% if line.quantity < line.line_item.quantity %}
{% capture line_display %}
{{ line.quantity }} of {{ line.line_item.quantity }}
{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_display = line.line_item.quantity %}
{% endif %}
<span class="order-list__item-title">{{ line_title }} × {{ line_display }}</span><br/>
{% if line.line_item.variant.title != 'Default Title' %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.line_item.variant.title }}</span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% for group in line.line_item.groups %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">Part of: {{ group.display_title }}</span><br/>
{% endfor %}
{% if line.line_item.selling_plan_allocation %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.line_item.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }}</span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if line.line_item.refunded_quantity > 0 %}
<span class="order-list__item-refunded">Refunded</span>
{% endif %}
{% if line.line_item.discount_allocations %}
{% for discount_allocation in line.line_item.discount_allocations %}
{% if discount_allocation.discount_application.target_selection != 'all' %}
<span class="order-list__item-discount-allocation">
<img src="{{ 'notifications/discounttag.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" width="18" height="18" class="discount-tag-icon" />
{{ discount_allocation.discount_application.title | upcase }}
(-{{ discount_allocation.amount | money }})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
</tr>{% endfor %}
<table class="row footer">
<td class="footer__cell">
<table class="container">
<p class="disclaimer__subtext">If you have any questions, reply to this email or contact us at <a href="mailto:{{ shop.email }}">{{ shop.email }}</a></p>
<img src="{{ 'notifications/spacer.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" class="spacer" height="1" />
Above code is after parcelpanel integration
and below code is before the integration
{% capture email_title %}Your shipping status has been updated{% endcapture %}
{% capture email_body %}The following items have been updated with new shipping information.{% endcapture %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{{ email_title }}</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/notifications/styles.css">
.button__cell { background: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
a, a:hover, a:active, a:visited { color: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
<table class="body">
<table class="header row">
<td class="header__cell">
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
<td class="shop-name__cell">
{%- if shop.email_logo_url %}
<img src="{{shop.email_logo_url}}" alt="{{ shop.name }}" width="{{ shop.email_logo_width }}">
{%- else %}
<h1 class="shop-name__text">
<a href="{{shop.url}}">{{ shop.name }}</a>
{%- endif %}
<td class="order-number__cell">
<span class="order-number__text">
Order {{ order_name }}
{%- if po_number %}
<td class="po-number__cell">
<span class="po-number__text">
PO number #{{ po_number }}
{%- endif %}
<table class="row content">
<td class="content__cell">
<table class="container">
<h2>{{ email_title }}</h2>
<p>{{ email_body }}</p>
<p>{{ email_emphasis }}</p>
{% if order_status_url %}
<table class="row actions">
<td class="empty-line"> </td>
<td class="actions__cell">
<table class="button main-action-cell">
<td class="button__cell"><a href="{{ order_status_url }}" class="button__text">View your order</a></td>
{% if shop.url %}
<table class="link secondary-action-cell">
<td class="link__cell">or <a href="{{ shop.url }}">Visit our store</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if shop.url %}
<table class="row actions">
<td class="actions__cell">
<table class="button main-action-cell">
<td class="button__cell"><a href="{{ shop.url }}" class="button__text">Visit our store</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if fulfillment.tracking_numbers.size > 0 %}
<p class="disclaimer__subtext">
{% if fulfillment.tracking_numbers.size == 1 and fulfillment.tracking_company and fulfillment.tracking_url %}
{{ fulfillment.tracking_company }} tracking number: <a href="{{ fulfillment.tracking_url }}">{{ fulfillment.tracking_numbers.first }}</a>
{% elsif fulfillment.tracking_numbers.size == 1 %}
Tracking number: {{ fulfillment.tracking_numbers.first }}
{% else %}
{{ fulfillment.tracking_company }} tracking numbers:<br />
{% for tracking_number in fulfillment.tracking_numbers %}
{% if fulfillment.tracking_urls[forloop.index0] %}
<a href="{{ fulfillment.tracking_urls[forloop.index0] }}">
{{ tracking_number }}
{% else %}
{{ tracking_number }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<table class="row section">
<td class="section__cell">
<table class="container">
<h3>Items in this shipment</h3>
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
{% for line in fulfillment.fulfillment_line_items %}
<tr class="order-list__item">
<td class="order-list__item__cell">
{% if line.line_item.image %}
<img src="{{ line.line_item | img_url: 'compact_cropped' }}" align="left" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>
{% endif %}
<td class="order-list__product-description-cell">
{% if line.line_item.product.title %}
{% assign line_title = line.line_item.product.title %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_title = line.line_item.title %}
{% endif %}
{% if line.quantity < line.line_item.quantity %}
{% capture line_display %}
{{ line.quantity }} of {{ line.line_item.quantity }}
{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_display = line.line_item.quantity %}
{% endif %}
<span class="order-list__item-title">{{ line_title }} × {{ line_display }}</span><br/>
{% if line.line_item.variant.title != 'Default Title' %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.line_item.variant.title }}</span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% for group in line.line_item.groups %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">Part of: {{ group.display_title }}</span><br/>
{% endfor %}
{% if line.line_item.selling_plan_allocation %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.line_item.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }}</span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if line.line_item.refunded_quantity > 0 %}
<span class="order-list__item-refunded">Refunded</span>
{% endif %}
{% if line.line_item.discount_allocations %}
{% for discount_allocation in line.line_item.discount_allocations %}
{% if discount_allocation.discount_application.target_selection != 'all' %}
<span class="order-list__item-discount-allocation">
<img src="{{ 'notifications/discounttag.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" width="18" height="18" class="discount-tag-icon" />
{{ discount_allocation.discount_application.title | upcase }}
(-{{ discount_allocation.amount | money }})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
</tr>{% endfor %}
<table class="row footer">
<td class="footer__cell">
<table class="container">
<p class="disclaimer__subtext">If you have any questions, reply to this email or contact us at <a href="mailto:{{ shop.email }}">{{ shop.email }}</a></p>
<img src="{{ 'notifications/spacer.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" class="spacer" height="1" />