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document.getElementById('cart-note').innerText="my note" does not work in cart-template.liquid

document.getElementById('cart-note').innerText="my note" does not work in cart-template.liquid

2 0 2


   I had this working for years but it recently stopped workingn (i didn't change a thing): 


   I have a button in cart-template.liquid onClick of that button calls function which basicaly assigns text to NOTE field like this:

document.getElementById('cart-note').innerText = "I want this text to be in Note";


I can see the text "I want this text to be in Note" in note field, but once I complete the order and go check the order, there is nothing in NOTE field.


The only time there is something in NOTE field in order is, when I manualy type it there. Once added by button it disappears - I can see it on cart page but can't later on in order.

As I said this worked well for years and stopped just few days ago. 


Thanks for any help, tips, ...




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
42 2 2

I would love to help but for that, I would need to take a look at your theme code, can please provide me the URL to the store so I can take a further look?

Want me to implement it for you, here's my info, I will make any changes you want with just a mail:
Email: ayanrjpoot@gmail.com

Stores helped this month : 12