Facebook Pixels on click trigger function is not working .. but the page views is working already

Facebook Pixels on click trigger function is not working .. but the page views is working already

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I have an issue linked to my website ,,, the tracker for on click event for pixels is not working how all pixels is initialized according to all pages .. how we can fix that 

 <button id="cartHeight-{{ product.id }}" type="button" class="newplp-add_{{ product.id }} add-to-cart w-100 primary-button text-white quick-add-btn js-quick-add-btn" title="{{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t }}"
  data-id="{{ variant.id }}" onClick="fbq('track', 'AddToCart');addToCart('{{ product.id }}', `{{ product.title | append: " " | append:product.meScreenshot 2024-01-09 121653.png

tafields.descriptors.subtitle }}`, '{{ product.price | money_without_currency }}'">
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