How can I make my product page auto-refresh only when a variant is clicked?

How can I make my product page auto-refresh only when a variant is clicked?

New Member
6 0 0
i need someone to help me for my page product  do autorefresh when i click & change in a variant but not in any 5sec do auto refresh, please this is the code for autorefresh in 5sec, you can upgrate it.
i put this is code in product.liquid




      <script type = "text/JavaScript">


            function AutoRefresh( t ) {

               setTimeout("location.reload(true);", t);







   <body onload = "Javascript&colon;AutoRefresh(5000);">

      <p>This page will refresh every 5 seconds.</p>




Replies 8 (8)

Shopify Partner
803 71 244

What's the purpose of doing an auto-reload of the page when another variant is selected?


Also, this forum is for questions related to Shopify Scripts (part of Shopify Plus). You might get better responses if you post it in Shopify Design.

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my purpose for that, because Compare at price ( old price ) does not change when changing variant, it's change until i refresh the page

Shopify Partner
803 71 244

A theme should implement in-place updates of price, images, etc. when the variant changes, see the docs here:

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not solved my problem yet 😞

Shopify Partner
803 71 244

What theme are you using?

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im not using theme shopify, im using theme of themeforest ( envanto  )

Shopify Partner
803 71 244

Yeah, thought as much. ThemeForest themes are often crap. If it's not implementing the methods to update product info on variant change there's probably more that's iffy about the theme. I would seriously recommend ditching it and going with one from the Theme Store or, if you're strapped for cash, go with Dawn or one of the legacy free themes like Debut, Brooklyn, etc.

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6 0 0

thanks for your advice !

can you to help me for upgrade this code for be do refresh when i shose a variant automaticlly
i put this is code in product.liquid




      <script type = "text/JavaScript">


            function AutoRefresh( t ) {

               setTimeout("location.reload(true);", t);







   <body onload = "Javascript&colon;AutoRefresh(5000);">

      <p>This page will refresh every 5 seconds.</p>


