How can I sync desktop and mobile design for my online store?

How can I sync desktop and mobile design for my online store?

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Hello guys,

I have finally found a design I like for my shopify store and when I open the store from the desktop it looks fine. The problem is that on mobile, the pictures will change (they are too big and not focused), and the text as well. The name of my store is: ecose-shop. Do you know any way how to fix the code so that the theme is fixed and not changing from one device to the other. 

Thanks in advance!



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2428 258 551

Hey, @ecoseshop 

Have you made any coding changes to the theme or installed any recent apps that coincide with when the images started to format incorrectly? By default, Shopify themes are responsive and will adjust appropriately to mobile and desktop screens.

I'd try previewing the store on a clean theme install to compare your current one vs a default theme. Let me know if that results in the images showing correctly.

Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify 
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