Re: How do I change the font of the search bar results in the Dawn theme?

How do I change the font of the search bar results in the Dawn theme?

8 0 6



I am using the custom fonts Barlow Semi Condensed Bold (headings) and DINNextUltraLight (plain text) and I manage the application of these fonts via Fontify.

When I type a term in the search bar, the results are not displayed with the custom fonts (now a kind of ugly Times). Can this be changed? If so, can this be done in the automatic adjustment or is editing the code the (best) solution?

Below are screenshots of the general look of the website and the look of the search bar. I can share any URL and password for this.

Thanks in advance!


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Hey @RikandMoniek 


Welcome to Shopify Community! Can you share your Store URL so I can have a look on it? Also, if you have password enabled then please share the password as well. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.


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8 0 6

Hi Moeed,
Thx for your reply.
URL is

PW is Poes5733!