How to add and customize the sticky add to cart in Dawn 11.0.0?

How to add and customize the sticky add to cart in Dawn 11.0.0?

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I have Dawn 11.0.0 version installed and I'd like to add the sticky add to cart functionality and be able to customize the color.


In the sticky add to cart bar, I'd like to display the product name and the price, compare to price, and the sales icon on the left side, and then the add to cart button on the right side. In addition, I'd like to customize the the colour of bar and the button to match my theme.


Thanks in advance!

Replies 2 (2)

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@a_yn  You can use Pasilobus Sticky Cart app that works on any theme. The app also comes with a free plan which offers all customizations you describe.

Pasilobus | eCommerce Experts, Shopify Apps & Development since 2015 --

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Without using any App you can add sticky add to cart feature:


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