How to convert an inkscape svg to a shopify svg


How to convert an inkscape svg to a shopify svg

47 0 7

I made my icons in inkscape and made all their svg. A guy here says that my svg is not optimized for shopify.

My svg:

   viewBox="0 0 2000 2000"
   inkscape:export-filename="ÍCONE CONTA MAIOR-000000ff-00000000.png"
   inkscape:version="1.3.2 (091e20e, 2023-11-25, custom)"
   sodipodi:docname="ÍCONE CONTA PARA O SITE.svg"
     inkscape:current-layer="layer1" /><defs
     id="defs1" /><g
     inkscape:label="Camada 1"
         ry="555.67902" /><path
         d="M 7867.6062,7418.2477 A 1308.2513,1308.0968 0 0 0 6560.0011,6151.2602 1308.2513,1308.0968 0 0 0 5252.3999,7418.1245 Z" /></g><g
         d="M 8179.748,7056.3536 A 1389.2882,1389.2882 0 0 0 6791.146,5710.7264 1389.2882,1389.2882 0 0 0 5402.5481,7056.2227 Z" /><path
         d="M 8179.7485,7056.3533 A 1389.2882,1389.2882 0 0 0 6791.1465,5710.726 1389.2882,1389.2882 0 0 0 5402.5486,7056.2224 Z" /><circle
         r="590.16907" /></g></g></svg>

Svg that the guy converted for me:

<svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="icon icon-account" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 18 19" > <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="m 9.0009261,0.5 c -2.2213192,0 -4.0309777,1.8180738 -4.0309777,4.0493861 0,2.2313095 1.809695,4.0493482 4.0309777,4.0493482 2.2211179,0 4.0309769,-1.8178836 4.0309769,-4.0493482 C 13.031903,2.3180387 11.2222,0.5 9.0009261,0.5 Z m 0,1.4619213 c 1.4189829,0 2.5756709,1.1609143 2.5756709,2.5874648 0,1.4249509 -1.155196,2.5874261 -2.5756709,2.5874261 -1.4190216,0 -2.5757087,-1.1609029 -2.5757087,-2.5874261 0,-1.4269689 1.156854,-2.5874648 2.5757087,-2.5874648 z m -9.445e-4,7.509921 c -4.5821318,0 -8.35517897,3.6722207 -8.49962328,8.2734237 -0.0128906,0.412488 0.31644154,0.75392 0.72725628,0.753978 L 16.772311,18.5 c 0.410829,-1.5e-5 0.740202,-0.341437 0.727332,-0.75394 C 17.35526,13.14392 13.582114,9.4718423 8.9999429,9.4718423 Z m 0,1.4619587 c 3.5296704,0 6.4993784,2.629892 6.9807464,6.10424 l -13.9614171,-6.8e-4 c 0.4817147,-3.47417 3.4513754,-6.10356 6.980632,-6.10356 z" fill="currentColor"> </svg>

As the guy didn't contact me, I didn't know how to optimize my own svg into an svg for shopify. Does anyone know how to teach me how to do this?

Link to my conversation with the guy: Re: How to change account/login icon in Dawn 14.0.0

My store link:

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
61 14 16

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @PedroPrado

Provided a new icon + css to your last message on the previous post - outlined some issues with the other custom SVG's dimensions.

Here are some steps to follow when replacing SVG icons on Shopify with Inkscape.

: There could be better ways, further optimisation steps or other SVG XML attributes required.
If you want to stop the hover effect, change color or change size - I recommend using CSS.


  1. IMPORTANT: Ensure you match the viewBox and document dimensions of the currently used SVG icon.
    • File > Document Properties > Display
      Set Width + Height and viewBox Width + Height as PX
  2. Optimise your SVG
    • Convert strokes to paths Path > Stroke to Path
    • Don't use Layers or Layer Groups
      • If Required group by Path > Union
    • Fill & Stroke ( most of these will default when applying Stroke to Path )
      • Fill
        • Select: Flat color
        • r=0, g=0, b=0, a=100
      • Stroke Paint
        • Select: Unset paint
        • Select: Any self-intersections or subpaths create holes in fills (fill-rule: evenodd)
      • Stroke Style
        • Leave as is, however before converting stroke to path this is when you can set the thickness of lines.
    • Remove as many nodes as possible without distorting your drawing
      less nodes = less coordinates = less size
    • File > Clean up document
  3. IMPORTANT: File > Save As... > Plain SVG (*.)
    • Open newly created SVG in a code editor find the attribute d in <path>
    • Use the coordinates in the d attribute to update the d attribute in Shopify SVG file. 

Newly created SVG

Capture 9992.PNG

Shopify SVG file

Capture 999.PNG



View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
61 14 16

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @PedroPrado

Provided a new icon + css to your last message on the previous post - outlined some issues with the other custom SVG's dimensions.

Here are some steps to follow when replacing SVG icons on Shopify with Inkscape.

: There could be better ways, further optimisation steps or other SVG XML attributes required.
If you want to stop the hover effect, change color or change size - I recommend using CSS.


  1. IMPORTANT: Ensure you match the viewBox and document dimensions of the currently used SVG icon.
    • File > Document Properties > Display
      Set Width + Height and viewBox Width + Height as PX
  2. Optimise your SVG
    • Convert strokes to paths Path > Stroke to Path
    • Don't use Layers or Layer Groups
      • If Required group by Path > Union
    • Fill & Stroke ( most of these will default when applying Stroke to Path )
      • Fill
        • Select: Flat color
        • r=0, g=0, b=0, a=100
      • Stroke Paint
        • Select: Unset paint
        • Select: Any self-intersections or subpaths create holes in fills (fill-rule: evenodd)
      • Stroke Style
        • Leave as is, however before converting stroke to path this is when you can set the thickness of lines.
    • Remove as many nodes as possible without distorting your drawing
      less nodes = less coordinates = less size
    • File > Clean up document
  3. IMPORTANT: File > Save As... > Plain SVG (*.)
    • Open newly created SVG in a code editor find the attribute d in <path>
    • Use the coordinates in the d attribute to update the d attribute in Shopify SVG file. 

Newly created SVG

Capture 9992.PNG

Shopify SVG file

Capture 999.PNG

