Liquid String Filters- Remove First Word?


Liquid String Filters- Remove First Word?

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The following will filter "Green" from "Green House":



{{ "Green House" | truncatewords: 1, "" }}




But is their a simple way to filter out only "House"? In other words, is it possible to remove the first word of a string/filter the second word? It would be nice if "truncatewords: -1" would allow you to truncate from right to left.


If I am trying to remove the first word for "Green House", "Red House", & "Blue House", then the easiest way I can think of is by using ' | remove: 'Green ' | remove: 'Red ' | remove: 'Blue' ' which doesn't seem very efficient, especially if i am using many different colors.


Any tips?

Accepted Solution (1)

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84 8 29

This is an accepted solution.

Well as far as I got what you need here is the second word.

Why not split the word by space and always use the 2nd Index item 

{% assign sentance = "Green House" | split: " " %}

{% if sentance[1] %}
{{ sentance[1] }}
{% endif %}


I haven’t tried the code on editor but that should work.

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Reply 1 (1)

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84 8 29

This is an accepted solution.

Well as far as I got what you need here is the second word.

Why not split the word by space and always use the 2nd Index item 

{% assign sentance = "Green House" | split: " " %}

{% if sentance[1] %}
{{ sentance[1] }}
{% endif %}


I haven’t tried the code on editor but that should work.

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