Our line-item script is working great, but getting persistent InstructionQuotaExceeded errors...

Our line-item script is working great, but getting persistent InstructionQuotaExceeded errors...

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Any thoughts on how to optimize what we thought was a tidy solution to our need to discount products based on tagging? Better ways to simplify these nested loops we need to run? I'm very much a Ruby noob.

#object for lineitem campaigns
class XforYDollarsCampaign
  #array of strings that are substrings to search against product tags
  #int of threshold quantity, ex: 3 items to get the discount
  #cents of pricedAt when matching discount, ex: 1500 = $15.00, so per item will be 1500/3, so $5 per item purchased
  #discount message string
  #matchCount for iterating the cart
  attr_accessor :tagStrings, :threshholdQty, :pricedAt, :discountMsg, :matchCount

  def initialize(tagStrings, threshholdQty, pricedAt, discountMsg)
    @tagStrings = tagStrings
    @threshholdQty = threshholdQty
    @pricedAt = pricedAt
    @discountMsg = discountMsg
    @matchCount = 0

  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_for_5"],       2, 500,   "2 for $5"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_or_more_5"],   2, 1000,  "$5 when buying 2 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_for_6"],       2, 600,   "2 for $6"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_or_more_6"],   2, 1200,  "$6 when buying 2 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_for_7"],       2, 700,   "2 for $7"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_or_more_7"],   2, 1400,  "$7 when buying 2 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_for_10"],      2, 1000,  "2 for $10"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_or_more_10", "10_dollar_2_or_more", "10_dollar_shoes_for_women"],   2, 2000,  "$10 when buying 2 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_for_12"],      2, 1200,  "2 for $12"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["12_dollar_2_or_more"],      2, 2400,  "$12 when buying 2 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["2_for_15"],      2, 1500,  "2 for $15"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["15_dollar_2_or_more"],      2, 3000,  "$15 when buying 2 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["3_for_10"],      3, 1000,  "3 for $10"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["3_or_more_10", "10_dollar_3_or_more"],      3, 3000,  "$10 when buying 3 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["3_for_15"],      3, 1500,  "3 for $15"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["15_dollar_3_or_more"],      3, 4500,  "$15 when buying 3 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["10_dollar_4_or_more"],      4, 4000,  "$10 when buying 4 or more"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["5_for_10"],      5, 1000,  "5 for $10"),
  XforYDollarsCampaign.new(["10_dollar_5_or_more"],      5, 5000,  "$10 when buying 5 or more")

line_items = Input.cart.line_items

#function findMatches (find and prep the matches, populate the CAMPAIGNS array with those lineitems)
#get qty amounts of products that match the tags
#puts ("Loozp em")
line_items.each do |line_item|
  CAMPAIGNS.each do |campaign|
    campaign.tagStrings.each do |thisTagString|
      #puts (line_item.variant.product.tags)
      if line_item.variant.product.tags.any? { |productTag| productTag.include?(thisTagString)  }
        campaign.matchCount += line_item.quantity
        #puts ("GOT ONE HOLY SHIT #{line_item.variant.product}")
    end #end campaign.tagStrings loop
  end #end CAMPAIGNS loop
end #end sorted_items

#run that function, then cycle through the lineitems in cart again and price/message accordingly
line_items.each do |line_item|
  lineItemIsDiscounted = false
  CAMPAIGNS.each do |campaign|
    campaign.tagStrings.each do |thisTagString|
      #puts (line_item.variant.product.tags)
      if line_item.variant.product.tags.any? { |productTag| productTag.include?(thisTagString)  }
        #we have a match again, now check this campaign, 
        if campaign.matchCount >= campaign.threshholdQty
          perItemCents = campaign.pricedAt / campaign.threshholdQty
          #puts (perItemCents)
          updatedPrice = Money.new(cents: (perItemCents * line_item.quantity)) #set that price!
          if(updatedPrice < line_item.original_line_price)
            line_item.change_line_price(updatedPrice, {message: campaign.discountMsg}) #set that msg!
          lineItemIsDiscounted = true
          break #stop cycling campaign strings, we have a winner
    if lineItemIsDiscounted
      break #stop cycling campaigns
  #continue to next lineitem

Output.cart = Input.cart


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