Pick-up extensions: automatic discount + hide shipping options

Pick-up extensions: automatic discount + hide shipping options

Shopify Partner
85 1 15

Hi community,


I have two questions regarding the Shopify pick-up options:

1. Is it possible to add an automatic discount when pick-up is selected?
My shipping costs are included in the price so I want to offer customers a fixed discount amount when they choose for the pick-up option.

2. Can the shipping options be hidden is a certain product is not shippable?

Some of my products are pick-up only, so showing the shipping option is confusing for my customers.


Please help me out, thank you in advance!


Kind regards,

Wouter vd Meer

Kind regards,
Wouter van der Meer
Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
85 1 15

Hiring is also an option for me 🙂

Kind regards,
Wouter van der Meer
79 0 7

Hello @WoutervdMeer 



I know this is late reply here, but as introducing new API from Shopify, it is possible to hide shipping rates by various conditions, ex: product collections.


Did you check using this app? https://apps.shopify.com/shipfy-delivery-customization


In the app, create a rule set 1 and setup rule according to below screenshot:



I hope this works for you!