Re: "required field" not working on cart footer

"required field" not working on cart footer

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5 0 0

Hi all,


I have added two custom field on my cart page "your name" and "your contact no." and it is supposed to be a required field.


When I add the codes to the main-cart-items.liquid file, the required fill works. It will not allow me to proceed to the checkout page if i did not fill in the fields.


However, I would prefer the "your name" and "your contact no." to appear below the subtotal which I had to add the codes to the "main-cart-footer.liquid" file instead. After adding the custom field box here, the "required" function is not working. I can proceed to the checkout page without filling in these two fields. 


This is how my code looks like:


<p class="cart-attribute__field"><P STYLE="text-align:right", style="font-family: harmonia sans">
<label for="your-contact-no">Your Contact No.</label>
<input required class="required" id="your-contact-no" type="text" name="attributes[Your Contact No.]" value="{{ cart.attributes["Your Contact No."] }}">


Does anyone knows how to fix this issue?

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Remove novalidate attribute from the the form tag

New Member
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Hi Asad24,


Where do I find the novalidate attribute?


The code is the only thing I got from the custom field generator site.