Remove applied discounts for certain payment options using Scripts.

Remove applied discounts for certain payment options using Scripts.

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We have added a manual payment option to our checkout. When a user chooses this payment option we need any discounts that have been applied to the order through the checkout pricess to be removed or disabled.

Ideally, it would also display a note saying that discounts are not allowed for this option.


The trouble we see is that the Input.payment_gateways tag is only available on payment scripts (not line item scripts). 


Any ideas on how to tackle this one?

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Shopify Partner
33 1 5

Hi 👋

To do this I recommend using a Shopify Function and also a checkout extension to display the note. Access to checkout.liquid and Shopify scripts are being depreciated in 2024. 

If you need help with this please contact me 



First Light - Shopify development agency
Specialists in Shopify custom app development and integrations