rich text section stays the same on other pages

rich text section stays the same on other pages

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So I used the code editor on two of my pages and wrote 

<div class="page-width">
  {% section 'rich-text' %}
  {% section 'list-collections-template' %}
When I write custom text in the rich text section on one of my pages it saves it to all pages.
for example if I wrote "welcome to first category" in the rich text section on one page and save it, then my other page says the same. I want both pages to have a different text, how do I do this.
PS. It is not caused by the page template suffix.



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
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because it is static section and static section can be used only one page (you can use it on different pages but it,s result will be same on all pages )

Shopify ,Shopify plus and Shopify 2.0 theme developer and customization

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SAME ISSUE here, how to resolve??