Script Editor - Line Item Scripts - Bundle Discount

Script Editor - Line Item Scripts - Bundle Discount

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I have the Ruby script example for line item bundle discounts......however I am looking to specify ANY product from a collection vs. an individual product. 

How might this script be adjust to accommodate my need? Script for reference:

Example: buy 1 from collection A AND 1 from collection B, receive 10% off the item from collection B

Example: buy 1 from collection A AND 1 from collection B AND collection C, receive 15% the item from collection C


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
72 18 33

Hi @jhenry,

As specified by Shopify here, the Script API doesn't support getting a collection from a product. 

The alternative is to use product tags. You should be able to apply these in bulk to mimic your collections.

If you redescribe your scripts needs above using product tags, I am more than happy to write a script for you.


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