Personalized checkout and custom promotions with Shopify Scripts
when developing dynamic breadcrumbs, I need the ability to go back to the previous page and delete the last entry in the breadcrumbs. using the popstate event, I noticed that it was not working correctly. If I haven't interacted with the page I want to leave in any way, popstate doesn't work. Please help me figure this out.
{% comment %} add in "main-collection-product-grid" "main-collection-banner" "collection-list" {% endcomment %} <style> { margin-top: 20px; } .breadcrumb__current { text-transform: capitalize; } a { text-decoration: none; } span.breadcrumb__previous { text-transform: capitalize; } </style> {% assign current_path = request.path %} {% assign path_parts = current_path | split: '/' %} {% assign page_name = path_parts.last %} <div class="break page-width"> <nav class="breadcrumb"> <a href="{{ shop.url }}">Home / </a> {% if current_path contains '/products/' %} <span class="breadcrumb__current" id="breadcrumb-current">{{ product.title }}</span> {% elsif current_path contains '/pages/' %} <span class="breadcrumb__current" id="breadcrumb-current">{{ page_name }}</span> <span class="breadcrumb__separator"></span> {% else %} <span class="breadcrumb__current" id="breadcrumb-current"></span> {% endif %} </nav> </div> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const currentPath = window.location.pathname; const breadcrumbCurrent = document.getElementById('breadcrumb-current'); const currentURL = window.location.href; let previousCollectionData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('collectionData')) || []; if (currentPath.includes('/products/')) { breadcrumbCurrent.textContent = document.title; } else if (currentPath.includes('/collections/')) { const collectionName = currentPath.split('/collections/')[1].split('/')[0]; breadcrumbCurrent.textContent = collectionName; } else if (currentPath.includes('/pages/')) { const pageName = currentPath.split('/').pop(); breadcrumbCurrent.textContent = pageName; } const pageData = { title: breadcrumbCurrent.textContent, url: currentURL }; previousCollectionData = previousCollectionData.filter(item => item.title !== pageData.title); previousCollectionData.push(pageData); localStorage.setItem('collectionData', JSON.stringify(previousCollectionData)); if (previousCollectionData.length > 1) { const previousCollections = previousCollectionData.slice(0, -1).map(item => { return `<a href="${item.url}" class="breadcrumb-link">${item.title}</a>`; }).join(' / '); const breadcrumbSeparator = document.createElement('span'); breadcrumbSeparator.className = 'breadcrumb__separator'; breadcrumbCurrent.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', breadcrumbSeparator); breadcrumbSeparator.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', `<span class="breadcrumb__previous">${previousCollections} / </span>`); } // начало срабатывает когда нажимаешь на крошки document.querySelectorAll('.breadcrumb-link').forEach(link => { link.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); const clickedTitle = this.textContent; const index = previousCollectionData.findIndex(item => item.title === clickedTitle); if (index !== -1) { previousCollectionData = previousCollectionData.slice(0, index + 1); localStorage.setItem('collectionData', JSON.stringify(previousCollectionData)); } window.location.href = this.href; }); }); // конец срабатывает когда нажимаешь на крошки // начало срабатывает когда нажимаешь на кнопку "назад" window.addEventListener('load', function() { history.pushState(null, null, document.URL); }); window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) { if (previousCollectionData.length > 0) { previousCollectionData = previousCollectionData.slice(0, -1); localStorage.setItem('collectionData', JSON.stringify(previousCollectionData)); console.log('well'); window.location.href = previousCollectionData[previousCollectionData.length - 1].url; } }); // конец срабатывает когда нажимаешь на кнопку "назад" }); </script>
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