Why does my CSS code change when transferring to HTML product link?

Why does my CSS code change when transferring to HTML product link?

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Hello, I'm new to coding and wanted to give it a try! I'm adding a button to my product page but when I make test the code on https://www.w3schools.com/ and transfer it to my HTML product link it changes the code. 



<a href="https://www.sarskild.com/pages/client-services-book-a-fitting" class="button1" target="_blank">Client Services<br><medium>Enquire A Studio Visit 〉</medium></a>


Changes to 


<a class="button1" href="https://www.sarskild.com/pages/client-services-book-a-fitting" target="_blank">Client Services<br></a><medium>Enquire A Studio Visit 〉</medium> <!-- HTML !-->


Would love to know why! Thank you! 


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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What is the <medium> element you're adding? Are you hoping to bold the text?

I would suspect the html validator is asking something similar to me and trying to make your code valid.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. http://freakdesign.com.au ★