Lazy Loading Product Images on VENTURE THEME? ( Defer offscreen Images ) - Consider lazy-loading

56 0 8

The biggest improvement I can make on my store is: Consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images after all critical resources have finished loading to lower time to interactive.

I have managed to lazyload all, except product images - anyone has any input on how to easily accomplish this feat?

Thank you in advance!

Replies 4 (4)

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134 10 74

Hi @BeautifulDesign 

We have an article that goes into more detail on lazy loading. You can check it out here: How to Lazy Load Images on Shopify to Make Your Site Faster.

To specifically target your product images, you'll first need to identify the snippet/section file they're being loaded from. If you go into your theme's code, under templates, you'll find a file named something like "product.liquid".

In that template file, you'll often find lines of code like the ones below:

{% include file-name-here %}
{% section file-name-here %}

These are the section and snippet files your product template is using. The "file-name-here" portion of the above code correlates to actual file names that you can search for in your theme's code editor.

You'll have to go through those to see which file is the one loading your product images.

Once you've identified the correct file, then all you have to do is make some changes to the image tag so it looks something like:

<img class="lazyload" data-src="image-source"  />


That's a quick breakdown of how to lazy load your product images. If you'd like additional help, feel free to reach out to our team of optimization experts at Best of luck!

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Could you share your site's URL?


Available for freelance. I specialize in speed improvement and theme development.

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43 6 12

Hi @oreoorbitz ,

We have a guide on lazy loading images on our youtube tutorial . It's simple when you've done it a few times.

Hope it helps!



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Shopify Partner
244 29 129

I know how lazyloading works.

I was talking to the original poster.


@BeautifulDesign Please share the URL of your site and I'll see if I can help you enable lazyloading.


Available for freelance. I specialize in speed improvement and theme development.

You can also contact me directly if you prefer.