Can anyone help with unresolved Woodcut Funhouse order issues?

Can anyone help with unresolved Woodcut Funhouse order issues?

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Woodcut Funhouse took $50 and never shipped an order. I wrote for weeks asking when it would ship and he kept saying “today” I finally directly asked if I’d been ripped off and that sent the owner into a tailspin. He called me names, threatened to put my information out in a live video to get me harassed with my address and then cancelled the order. I’ve repeatedly tried to get someone from Shopify to assist me and it’s next to impossible. I’m just going to keep trying til someone contacts me to discuss. This guy and his store are rotten and needs to be dealt with. 

someone from Shopify please reach out. And don’t just give me a link to your complaint form. It goes nowhere as he canceled the order and you don’t have any options for that.

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