Re: High traffic, high ATC, high checkout initiation, low sales

High traffic, high ATC, high checkout initiation, low sales

11 0 1

Hi, so basically we've launched out brand three weeks ago.

We're channeling traffic mainly through Facebook ads. As the title says, we're getting a lot of traffic, high ATC, High checkout initiation but very low conversion rate.

Stats from the last two weeks:  

Website purchases2 
Website adds of payment info4 
Website adds to cart18 
Website checkouts initiated12 
Website content views159 


Currently running ads on one specific collection ( personalized necklace ).

Some help and feedback would be highly appreciated, 

Thanks in advance.


store url:

Replies 3 (3)

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188 12 48

Hi IGothica, 

This is Amee from Gojiberry - Shopify Survey & Feedback App

I think your store looks great and there's a lot of best practices you are already doing. I took a look at your store and have a few suggestions that will help increase conversion rate: 

1. Call to action button. Add an add-to-cart button or any call-to-action button underneath each product. 
2.  Trying out IG & Pinterest. Try to spread your budget and test out various platforms. For something more visual it might be good on IG or Pinterest (get recaptcha and watch out for bots on pinterest)
3. Ask your customers! (Most effective for increasing conversion) Once you have setup all your marketing channels, ask your converting customers how they found out about your shop. You can easily do so with a post-purchase survey app, and reward your customers with coupons/points to keep them returning. Once you find your strongest marketing channel, focus more effort and money on that.


Hope this helps! 

Amee | Gojiberry Team 


If you like my suggestion please give it a LIKE or mark it as a solution! ★★★★★

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Hi @iGothica 

I'm Garcia, a CRO expert from PageFly - Page Builder.

I've been taking a look at your store, and I have some friendly suggestions that I think can help you boost your conversion rate and turn more visitors into customers.

1. Add more contents to your homepage

Your homepage is already beautiful and informative, but I think you could add a few more sections to showcase your amazing products and tell your unique story. Here are some ideas:

  • Highlight your best-selling products: Give your star players the spotlight they deserve!



  • Feature your latest sale campaign with a catchy banner: This is a great way to grab attention and encourage visitors to take advantage of your deals.


  • Showcase your Instagram feed with shoppable posts: This is a fantastic way to leverage social proof and drive sales. You can even tag specific products in your posts to make it even easier for customers to buy.


To help you achieve this, you can check out some great third-party apps like VIBE - Shoppable Instagram Feed and Minta Automated Social Videos.

3. Enhance Your Collection Pages

  • Spark Trust with Product Ratings: Add star ratings to your products to build trust and encourage purchase decisions.
  • Infinite Browsing: Ditch pagination and implement "Load More" functionality for a smoother browsing experience.



4. Add Visual Appeal to Product Descriptions

Go beyond just text! Add captivating images and visual examples to showcase your products in action and bring your descriptions to life. 


You can look at your Gothic Personalize Necklace section for inspiration!


5. Get ready for the holidays!

Christmas are coming up fast, and it's important to be prepared. Here are a few tips to help you maximize your sales:

  • Add countdown timers to limited-time offers: This creates a sense of urgency and motivates customers to act fast.
  • Offer gift wrapping: This is a convenient service that customers will appreciate, especially during the busy holiday season.
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: More and more people are shopping on their phones and tablets, so make sure your website provides a seamless experience.


By implementing these suggestions, you can expect to see a significant increase in your conversion rate and reach your business goals.

I hope this feedback is helpful! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Happy selling!


Please let me know if it works by giving it a Like or marking it as a solution!

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Hey @iGothica 


There can be lot's of reasons behind this. For a new store it seems okay.


Especially for your product category people can like the products but easily postpone the buying decision. Give them a real reason to complete their order right away. I explain everything in High Traffic Low Sales post. I think it can be helpful for you.

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