How can I add an SKU column to my admin products page?

How can I add an SKU column to my admin products page?

Shopify Partner
125 13 41



It would be really useful for shopify to add the sku column to the products page within the admin section like the inventory page. I would use the inventory page but there is no way to sort by created date on the inventory page. This would be helpful to reference new product skus by created date without having to open another internal document or having to click on each product and open a new page just to get the sku.



Replies 11 (11)

Shopify Partner
281 46 72



There is no such option in admin.



Shopify Partner
125 13 41

Lol yes, I know hence the request.

47 0 18

Agreed, option to add basic things such as price, SKU and a few other columns would be very handy and surely not too taxing for a Shopify developer to sort?

Get your Tenpin Bowling Equipment from Tenpinshop 🙂
47 0 18

Just an FYI, unless it's something I've never noticed, under Orders, if you click the All tab, you (now) get an option to edit the columns. Scroll down to the bottom to navigate to the right where you'll seen additional options, that you can drag left/right and hide/unhide, really handy.

This is just what's needed for Other main admin pages  /sections such as products.

Get your Tenpin Bowling Equipment from Tenpinshop 🙂
Shopify Partner
1 0 4

I agree. It's quite a shame that something like this isn't possible. It seems like a basic function to me.
I need this feature as well.

2 0 6

Me too. Shopify, please? 🙂

1 0 6

Almost 1 year later and it still doesn't have an option to show SKUs on Product Page. What a shame. 

1 0 4

This is such a basic function I was assuming it was there and I was too stupid to find it. Really Shopify get on it!

1 0 2

Hopefully it isn't a huge lift to take the code they used for the newer orders page and bring that to other views.

5 0 6

Really need SKU Column & Price Column for our store to manage our products. Why is this not a thing as it is such a common necessity? PLEASE ADD ASAP!

4 0 3

This is such a basic function and I can not believe Shopify still hasn't added this. I have asked on the chat numerous times over the last few years, and even had a response from the chat saying they too wish this was a feature. We have lots of Shopify Shops and I find this the MOST frustrating thing. Shopify PLEEEEEASE add this column to the product admin search. How on earth do we make this happen??