How can I improve my new online store, Birch Cove Designs?

How can I improve my new online store, Birch Cove Designs?

1 0 0

Hi could i please get some feedback on my newly launched shopify store?

Replies 2 (2)

New Member
8 0 0

wow,you have got a nice store

would you like to revamp it.

Shopify Partner
118 6 10

Hi @BirchcoveD , 

This is Ricardo from InventoryHero app, I will list my findings here: 

  • When you hover on the CTA button "Shop all" it does not get fully highlighted, maybe you need to try it to change color so the button will be more visible Captura de pantalla 2023-06-19 a la(s) 12.24.27.png
  • On mobile, you need to have the menu always present so when the user is scrolling down they won't need to go all the way up to navigate to the menu Captura de pantalla 2023-06-19 a la(s) 12.25.29.png
Ricardo | InventoryHero app Specialist
InventoryHero - Automatically Discount Weak Inventory

Ottawa, ON, Canada