How can I improve my new website's SEO and design?

How can I improve my new website's SEO and design?

12 0 1

Hello all,


Would be great if I could have some feedback about my new website


If anyone could have a look at seo too, it would be great!


thank you!


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
2787 199 402

Hi there, @thirdmainroad!


I can see your fellow Community members have already chipped in here, that's great to see!


Your site is well laid out and clear to navigate.


You do a good job of communicating what your product and your brand is.


I can see you've got an About Us page already to help tell your store, that's good to see!


Check out this article on our blog on how to get even more out of your About Us page.


I noticed also there is a non-functioning button that just says 'button label' down the bottom of this page, so you may wish to remove this or link it up correctly.


Can you tell me anything about what you're doing to promote your store so far?


Would you have a marketing plan in place yet?

Don | Social Care @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
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Hello @thirdmainroad,

This is Gina from flareAI app helping Shopify merchants get $7Million+ in sales from Google Search, on autopilot.

Hope you are doing well. Here are a few suggestions.

1. Display store's contact info like phone number, email address, and office address in the Contact Us page.
2. Add sticky header
Adding sticky header allow users to quickly access the navigation, search, and utility-navigation elements without scrolling up to the top of the page. They increase the discoverability of the elements in the header and the chance that users will take advantage of them.
3. Add CTA button like Shop Now, Buy Now in the Home page header slideshow.
The Call To Action(CTA) is a key element on a webpage, acting as a signpost that lets the user know what to do next. Without a clear CTA, the user may not know the next steps to take to purchase a product or sign up for a newsletter and is likely to leave the site without accomplishing their task.
4. Take out the "Powered by Shopify" label in the footer and introduce your own branding elements to the footer of your store.
5. Crafting an ideal SEO product title and URL can aid search engines in comprehending the nature of your merchandise and boost traffic to your website. Therefore, it's advisable to maintain a unique and specific product title and URL.
Hair Closures 5 X 5 2023-07-04 11-09-23.png
6. Try to maintain the same image size while listing all products.

Raw Indian Hair Closures - Indian Hair Closures 2023-07-04 11-09-09.png

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you require any additional assistance.


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