How can I improve my online store's user experience?

How can I improve my online store's user experience?

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Here is my store would like feedback please.

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Make sure to replace all placeholder images, like this oneScreenshot 2023-06-27 at 10.44.18.png

Also, the product pages need to be more informative with description/instruction/videos about the products.

Screenshot 2023-06-27 at 10.46.00.png

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Hello @bestow07,

This is Gina from flareAI app helping Shopify merchants get $6Million+ in sales from Google Search, on autopilot.

Hope you are doing well. Here are a few suggestions.


1. Add product reviews as most of the customers read the review before purchasing the product. Even sometimes by reading reviews, customers may look to understand whether your product will suit their particular situation and make the decision to purchase the product.
2. Display store's contact info like phone number, email address, and office address in the Contact Us page.
3. Crafting an ideal SEO product title and URL can aid search engines in comprehending the nature of your merchandise and boost traffic to your website. Therefore, it's advisable to maintain a unique and specific product title and URL.
Wireless Mouse Pen – Bestow Grp Oz 2023-06-28 09-33-07.png
4. Make About Us more personal, likable, and believable so that, your prospects are more likely to be comfortable buying from you.
5. Add average ratings for each product
Including both user rating and number of ratings on the products will help users to make decision whether to buy your product or not.
6. Add filter options in collection pages to help your visitors narrow in on the specific product they're looking for and find products they might be interested in based on certain features (e.g. size, color, category)
7. Add sticky header
Adding sticky header allow users to quickly access the navigation, search, and utility-navigation elements without scrolling up to the top of the page. They increase the discoverability of the elements in the header and the chance that users will take advantage of them.
8. Add Blogging in the store
Blogging is an amazing way to drive traffic to your website and increase your SEO. The more your blog, the more content the search engines have to crawl and index. This means they can easily recognize that your site is a resource of information for people to access.
9. Adding hashtags in Instagram benefits by increasing discoverability and reach of your posts, leading to more engagement and potential followers.
10. Add favicon to help visitors locate your page easier when they have multiple tabs open. Also it will add overall branding consistency and their absence might be seen as unprofessional.
11. Add filter options in collection pages to help your visitors narrow in on the specific product they're looking for and find products they might be interested in based on certain features (e.g. size, color, category)

I hope this information proves useful.


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