Request: to save tracking details without fulfill orders

Request: to save tracking details without fulfill orders

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We'd like to request the ability to save the tracking details without fulfill the orders. 


When we process orders, we'll get the shipping labels and the tracking numbers from the courier companies. We want to save it against the order first without fulfill the orders, then pack the items and leave them all together for the courier companies to pick them up. We would like to click on the fulfill button after the packages were picked up by the couriers. 



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2394 219 633

I don't think that's possible, but as an alternative you could add the tracking to the order notes, then tag the order, and share that information with your staff so everyone knows the system.



1. Add the tracking to the order notes

2. Tag the order "Has Tracking" or "Waiting Pickup", etc.

3. When you want the shipping notification to trigger to the customer, add that tracking, remove the tag, and mark fulfilled

• Creator of Shopify automation apps Order Automator + Product Automator [apps that save you time + money]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
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