Sales or rather the lack of them

Sales or rather the lack of them

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I think I have a lovely store. I have many, many likes and loves in my Facebook groups. I have spent a small fortune on ads. I just don't get visitors or sales. What am I doing wrong. I have Fiverr freelancers helping due to my inexperience and lack of understanding around tech and terminology.

I would appreciate some help and or advice to help me, please? 

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Hi @Robbie57 👋 nothing replaces experience in this situation except truckloads of money.

The first step is self-awareness of how much a cliche this is, setting up a store and thinking it looks good guarantees nothing, nor does  adspend, or following arbitrary checklists, or some guru-course etc etc etc.

Many first timers treat ecom as guaranteed or are surprised when throwing money at marketing doesn't work.


Current assumptions and expectations are not working, the climb to out of that trap is gonna be expensive requiring experience or lots of money to maybe one day have a slim chance of success.

🏔DIG and research every other merchant falling into these traps to find the patterns to get out of the self-inflicted traps: 


Ignore glossy solutions that create busy work but solve none of the fundamental business problems.



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