Sending multiple order-email confirmations

Sending multiple order-email confirmations

2 0 3

Is Shopify working on the capability of sending confirmation to multiple email addresses?  Currently, we have to put in the first email send the confirmation, then enter the second email and push a second notification.  We have many institutional customers that require multiple people get the various email (order confirmation, ship confirmation etc.).  For example, we get orders from Purchasing and are required to send the email to both Purchasing and Accounts Payable.  We would be very pleased to speak with the development team at Shopify about this cpability

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Shopify Partner
118 6 10

Hi @dbelaga , 

Shipify is constantly improving their platform, but I'm not sure there's specific information on sending order confirmations to multiple addesses emails. I would recommend you reaching out to Shopify Support or maybe go to Community forums for further assistance and expressing your interest in this feature. They will be able to provide guidance

Ricardo | InventoryHero app Specialist
InventoryHero - Automatically Discount Weak Inventory

Ottawa, ON, Canada