Shopify Basic Plan too high

Shopify Basic Plan too high

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hi there I am on the $29 a month plan and now being charged $41.92 a month and not getting any of the services with the plan.  to charge an extra $10 a month for paying monthly is outrageous because I am supposed to get 5 staff and no one if fixing my issues with my site.   I asked that you take off the bump code that is showing up on my pages on desktop no one does it.   I asked that you put us back on the shop marketing because you stated one chargeback that wasn't a chargeback it was fraud and still not done this.  where are my paying customers somehow someone keeps sending russia emails or something it has crashed a few times.  you say I have to wait six months and that is hitler stuff.  in part the security on my plan caused me problems where you over charged me and had to dispute.  I am being soliticed on my customer chats regarding people trying to sell me stuff not anything to do with my products.  it is annoying.  I don't know how some of these stores are making the money they do.  I am not seeing billing department.  please contact me 

Reply 1 (1)

866 65 82

Hi @gfcgroup !


Since this is an account issue, even though it is not ideal, the best course of action is to keep an open communication with Shopify support team as they have a better view of your account's status. I recommend that you follow up regarding your case via live chat instead of email or ticket because it might go further on the queue.

Please let me know if it works by marking it as a solution!
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