Shopify terminated my account. I want it to be reactivated and understand why it was terminated

Shopify terminated my account. I want it to be reactivated and understand why it was terminated

3 0 0

I am wanting a response from shopify regarding why my account was terminated. 
and an opportunity to rectify the issue.


i have emailed a dispute 4 times and no one is responding to me. 
Can someone please contact me urgently. 

Replies 4 (4)

10 0 1

Was there any lead up to this action of terminating your store? Or did it just happen our of the blue

3 0 0
There was no notice at all

35 0 3

If your account was terminated, you can try reviewing any recent activity or communications from Shopify for potential reasons. Make sure you've followed the guidelines when submitting your dispute. If your email isn't receiving a response, consider double-checking spam folders or any alternate contact methods provided by Shopify.

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3 0 0
I had 0 correspondence prior.
I’ve submitted a dispute claim twice.
I check my spam often on a daily basis.

Still no response