What improvements can I make to my new online store?

What improvements can I make to my new online store?

35 2 6

Hi everyone, I am new to Shopify and I'm wondering if someone could please have a look at my store and give me feedback on it. Wanting to know if I am missing anything or if I need to make some changes. I have attached the link to my site.


Thanks so much!



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
118 6 10

Hi @NeuroDepth , 

This is Ricardo from InventoryHero app, I will list my findings here: 

  • When I click on "Add to Cart" button the product does not actually gets added to the cart, instead a popup is displayed with all the product description, maybe you need to change the text in the button for something like "View Product" 
  • When I navigate to "Follow us" page, I can only see links instead, from my perspective this is not what I expect to see when I go to that page. Try to add posts from your social media instead so the users can see even more content. Captura de pantalla 2023-06-19 a la(s) 11.56.55.png
  • The same applies for Beyond Blue page Captura de pantalla 2023-06-19 a la(s) 11.57.06.png
Ricardo | InventoryHero app Specialist
InventoryHero - Automatically Discount Weak Inventory


Ottawa, ON, Canada